
Doctor Whooch // Episode 101 // Quill & Quail and the Case of the Space Dragons

In which Class is in session. Because… because, get it? Class? Oh, you get it.

Danica and Brandon return this week to talk about the first two episodes of CLASS – the latest Doctor Who spin-off show that they can’t quite remember the episode titles for! (Psst: they’re “For Tonight We Might Die” and “The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo”). Along the way, they stumble through plot points such as SPACE DRAGONS and ROBOT MAKE-OUTS and then meander into other pop culture stuff happening like TIMELESS. Have you been watching that? You should be watching that.

Outro music is “Cold Hard Bitch” by Jet


Doctor Whooch // Episode One Hundred // Boosh!

In which we celebrate our 100th episode for what is almost definitely the first time.

The alcohol flows freely on this week’s celebratory 100th episode, in with Danica and Brandon welcome special guest Chris Sikkenga (of Montreal Sauce and Film Frown) to the show! Chris (the scamp) chose the final episode of Series 1 to watch – The Parting of Ways – and the gang gets well and truly sauced and forgets to talk about the plot for much of the hour. Get ready for some McConaughey and try some of Jackie Tyler’s Space Jerky as we all talk about Daleks being stage divas, sex in the undernet, and Trevor. Also: Danica throws hands at T-Swift. All this, and a lot more!

Outro music is “I Really Like You” by Carly Rae Jepsen.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 100 // Welcome to the Hundo

In which we’re 100 episodes old. So that happened.

On this week’s show, we celebrate our First Hundo with special guest Jorts Bazingles – aka Superfan Josh Bazin. Listen as Brandon almost gets too drunk to function drinking a Delicious Concoction! Swoon at the insights of Jorts! Marvel at the patience of Danica! All while they attempt to explain the plot of “A Town Called Mercy” from the 7th Series to varying degrees of success.

Thanks again to Jorts for appearing on the program. You can find Jorts on Twitter at @joshYEG.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 099 // Call Me When You’re Old and Regretful

In which we are in fine form. FINE form.

On this week’s show: Danica and Brandon will babysit your kids! It could be the worst decision of your life. Also: they watch “Time Heist” from Series 8 and are… pleasantly surprised by how much they enjoyed it. Also also: they are pretty loopy tired from moving a whole comic store, so uh… strap in. It’s an interesting ride.

Outro music is “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 098 // Space Sharpies Are A Thing

In which we are perilously close to falling asleep, but Martha Jones is there, so things are good.

On this week’s show, Danica and Brandon hit up “Smith and Jones”, and dig into some strangeness with a strange old lady wielding a straw. Also, the moon! Rhinos? Markers! Swooning! And other things that are good, like hair mussing.

Outro music is “Daft Punk is Playing In My House” by LCD Soundsystem

Doctor Whooch // Episode 097 // Tennant In A Tight Spot

In which we are too busy staring at a man in a blue suit to follow the plot.

On this week’s show, Mr. Butts and Mr. Peanutbutter take on another series 3 episode with “The Lazarus Experiment”. It’s a whole thing with Mark Gatiss being an old man who suddenly isn’t so old and is both a figurative and literal monster. Also, there’s a church, and like family stuff? Basically, there’s a lot to try and pay attention to while Tennant is swanning around making faces and ruffling his hair and stuff. Yeah girl, go get itttt.

Outro music is “Kokomo (Beach Boys Cover)” by The Vandals.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 096 // The Bling of Azkaban

In which we tell you all our thoughts on God.

On this week’s show, Danica and Brandon are floating like leaves in the wind and rolling their eyes at a whole lot of things. Our hearts are cold and dead! Our livers are swimming! It’s a whole thing. Anyway, we watch “The Rings of Akhaten” which is hard to spell, and is full of tree hands and shenanigans. And is also fun. But you know, whatever. Also, there’s cupcakes, for REASONS.

Outro music is “Counting Blue Cars” by Dishwalla

Doctor Whooch // Episode 095 // Free Range Moffat

In which Danica is a war criminal.

On this week’s episode, we reach the end of The River Song Timeline with “Forest of the Dead”, in which there’s more flesh eating darkness and some heart rending sadness. People run! Some of them die. Others don’t? And then there’s a thing that happens with a screwdriver. So you know. Spoilers.

Outro music is “Confident” by Demi Lovato.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 094 // Books Are Everywhere, Bitch!

In which we near the end of the River Song timeline, and do not get really sad at all.

On this week’s show, we kick things off by ruining the Doctor Who theme song for everyone forever. We regret nothing. Or… we regret some things, just not this. Anyway, then it’s time for “Silence in the Library”, in which there are no Silence, just silence, and also sadness. Yeah. Yep.

Outro music is “Ghostbuster Theme” by No Small Children

Doctor Whooch // Episode 093 // He Can Come Get It

In which we return to Series 8 with our eyes narrows and our hearts cold and dead.

On this week’s show, Danica and Brandon take a trip back to the early days of the 12th Doctor by visiting “Robot of Sherwood” and get distracted with a very loose ranking of various Robin Hoods. It’s a whole episode filled with two white dudes being snippy at each other and man, you wonder if there will be any drunk opinions about THAT.

Outro music is “Men Explain Things To Me” by Tacocat

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