CategoryPodcast! The Comics

Doctor Whooch // Episode 130 // Getting Jacked

In which FINALLY, all the weird sex and terrible relationships we’ve come to expect from Torchwood arrive!

Welcome back to the sex house, babies! And the first and only episode we go out of our way to name check the man who put a seamless scene of butts together. Congrats, Michael N Knue – you did it! Anyway, Brandon, Danica and Devin are still trying to get through Miracle Day, and something terrible is coming. But in this episode, it’s just folks who are coming. Do… do you get it? Oh, you get it.

Outro music is “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gay


Podcast! The Comics // Episode 181 // Those Last 20 Minutes Tho

Features some real talk. Because all of the podcasts that I’ve been a part of this week do.

From the episode description, as presented by P!TC co-host James Leask (@Leask):

This week, the boys get together to catch up after a week off, as James insisted to Brandon that “in the middle of moving” is not a good time to record a podcast and gave him the night off, before promising that he’d “figure something out,” which turned out to be “nothing.”  James talks watching a 5.5h Bollywood movie with the hosts of Bollywood Is For Lovers (@bollywoodpod) and they settle down to discuss the most recent episode of Gravity Falls and the season premiere of The Mind of a Chef.  Then they talk about some comics, and then things get real.

You may have noticed a discussion about the announcement of Marvel’s Red Wolf solo series last week and the controversy around it.  You may have also noticed that DC canceled their book with an aboriginal character in it.  James has some emotional thoughts about these announcements, the overall landscape of indigeneity in comics, and getting burnt out on bad news.

Uh… enjoy.

It was a good conversation. I mean, I always have fun making this podcast with James, but those last few minutes, that’s where the money is. It’s always good to hear James dig his hands into something he’s really passionate about because honestly, he’s one of the best pop culture commentators I know – though unfortunately, it was under some infinitely less-than-ideal circumstances.

To that end, if you’re around Edmonton on Monday, September 28th, and would like to dig into the issue of indigenous representation in pop culture, Variant Edition will be holding a panel featuring James, Richard Van Camp, Patti Laboucane-Benson and Kelly Mellings talking on that very subject. You can RSVP here, if you’d like – it is an important conversation that needs to take place more often, and we’re happy to at least help facilitate part of that conversation.

Podcast! The Comics #180 // Minnesota White Talk with Sam Humphries

Somehow, I started doing three podcasts regularly. This is a thing that normal people do, yes?

On this week’s episode of Podcast! The Comics, James and I are talking to one of our favourite guests and creators – the incomparable Sam Humphries! You might recognize him as the man with the sensational white-guy aphro that rotates on this blog’s very lazy header. You might also recognize him as the writer of Marvel’s Star-Lord book and the incoming writer of Weirdworld. Anyway, he’s on the show to talk about his new Image book Citizen Jack, but in true Comics! The Blog style, we get off track and stay off the rails for most of the conversation. And bless him, Shump is all in.

So drink in the magic and bask in Minnesota splendour.

Bonus Notes:

Sam Humphries Online // Twitter // Tumblr

Download the episode here or subscribe through iTunes.  If you want to subscribe the old-fashioned way, insert the following text into your audio program of choice (in iTunes, click “Advanced,” then click “Subscribe to Podcast”):

You can also find all the episodes to date on Libsyn’s site here.

Brandon Schatz // Twitter // Facebook

The Short Break and The Long Haul

Of course, I missed updating this site for almost the whole of last week. The goal – one I never said out pound until this point – is to have a hub where you can always find me. My work might be scattered everywhere, but if you come to this place, you should be able to find nearly all of it – or at least the pieces of note. Eventually, I’d like to run a bit of original fiction here as well, but… well, deadlines sure are fun, aren’t they? We’ll see. As for what happened last week…

  • I wrote a couple of pieces for Comics Beat last week, but only one of them saw print, as we continue to push through the part where the training wheels are required. As soon as I’m all up on the ins-and-outs, things should be happening like clockwork.
  • Oh, the piece? It’s a take on those Fantastic Four rumours – the ones that say Marvel is going to cancel the ongoing just to spite Fox, who owns the movie rights for the team. My supposition is that there’s a lot of truth in the team disappearing from the Marvel landscape for a while – but I can bet you anything it’s in service of a big return the month before the new movie hits.
  • Over at Comics! The Blog, we talked to writer Curt Pires about Pop, a brand new mini-series he has coming out from Dark Horse this August. It’s an interview that takes several dark turns, so if you’re not into laughing at soul-shattering horribleness, then… maybe skip the podcast and buy Pop anyway. I’ve already given the first issue a read, and damn, it is worth it. But more on that later.
  • This weekend, Danica and I went to Edmonton’s first ever International Cat Fest and… well, it was a ton of fun! Danica volunteered for the day, while I just hung out and drank in ALL THE CATS COMMA CONSUMING THEIR POWER ALL THE POWER and it was a lot of fun. All told, over 600 people made their way through the door, and well over $8000 was raised for the Humane Society.

And that’s all I’m in the mood for this lovely Monday morning. With any luck, you’ll be seeing my next Comics Beat piece today – a little ditty about Brian Wood, Moon Knight, and the morality of comic purchasing when you’re a business.

BIG NEWS and Other Ephemera

Another new comic book day comes to a close, and as usual, I am exhausted. Wednesday’s I usually work the full shift, a long 10-8, putting comics into the hands of people who just can’t wait another day to get their new comic fix – and that’s always a lot of fun… until I finally stop moving and realize just how tired I am.

Anyway, today was pretty cool for another great reason: my first article went up over at Comics Beat today! I’m pretty excited about this. Comics Beat is ran by Heidi MacDonald, who has been working in and around the industry for years. I haven’t told her this, but I was just a kid when she started editing the comic section in Disney Adventures magazine. She was the person who introduced me – and a lot of people my age – the series Bone, which Jeff Smith had been publishing in black and white at the time. Heidi somehow (I don’t know the details) brokered a situation where the story appeared in DA for several issues, going right up to the end of the first volume – and even squeezed out a story that Jeff Smith made specifically for DA as well! Now, of course, you can find Bone in all of your local bookstores and comic shops, as it’s one of the most popular series out there for folks of all ages. So yeah. Exciting!

…oh right, what was my piece about? Whelp, DC is doing another round of lenticular covers this year, and I pitched a piece that would go over the nightmare that occurred during the last time they tried this stunt, and how it compared to this new round. I think I did a pretty good job. Even got a hater in the comments, which oddly makes me feel good!

As for the rest of the day…

  • Over at Comics! The Blog, I did a quick sell of Brass Sunwhich is a book many of you should check out – especially if you’re into a bit of clockwork science.
  • The newest episode of Podcast! The Comics went up, and James made me watch a show where women think they’re on a dating contest show with Prince Harry. It hurt my everything.
  • Danica went over the results of the clothing swap she had on the weekend. From what I’ve heard, everyone came out of the experience with new clothes (for free!) while getting rid of a bunch of things they weren’t going to wear anymore. Win win!

Aaaaand, that’s going to be a wrap for the day. There’s more to talk about, but I’m tired you guys. So tired. Until tomorrow…

Podcast! The Comics // Episode 017 // REAL TALK with Kelly Sue DeConnick

This week, the boys sit down for a long conversation with one of their very favourite people in the world, writer Kelly Sue DeConnick.  What, for reasons unimaginable, starts off as a discussion of Tumblr and James’ field of work eventually turns to Kelly Sue’s upcoming projects: the new Captain Marvel series, Ghost and the latest Castle graphic novel, Richard Castle’s Storm Season, as well as KISS, the nature of art, self-doubt and how making the world a better place requires owning up to your fears and having hard discussions about difficult topics.  It’s a freewheeling, varied conversation that goes from giggling fits to remarkably serious topics, and is all the better for it.

Remember to talk to your comic book shop about pre-ordering Kelly Sue’s new books and also to check out Rappers Doing Normal Shit.  Finally, thanks again to Kelly Sue for being so generous with her time and her kind words.

Find Kelly Sue at, on Tumblr or on Twitter at @KellySue.

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