
Doctor Whooch // Episode 107 // Good Bonkers

In which we (finally) get to the thrilling conclusion of CLASS! And uh, it’s a thing.

So! With the Doctor Who Christmas Special just around the corner, we’re going face deep into “The Lost”, which wraps up this whole weird experiment. As we do so, we go swiftly off the rails, just like the show did, and talk about chaperones going downtown, what constitutes a good bonkers, and how Ram is pretty useless, among other things.

Stay tuned over the holiday season for our take on the Christmas Special! We’ll see you in 2017.

Outro music is “The King Is Dead” by Ruby Vileos

Doctor Whooch // Episode 106 // Professors of Doctor Who

In which everything you hear is adatomically correct.

On this episode, Danica and Brandon are nearing the end of Class with episode seven – “The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did”, and the whole thing is about deep smooching as three grown ass adults bang around in a tub. Also, someone murders a satan, and the ending is super weird. But uh… that’s Class.

Outro music is “Tubthumping” by Pastel Vespa

Doctor Whooch // Episode 103 // Trans-Dimensional Heart Sexting

In which Class goes sideways in a really weird way, but hey, we’re drunk, so whatever.

On this week’s show, we reach the midpoint of CLASS with episode four, “Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart” and things get really weird. Are you ready for crazy teen/shadow monster sex scene parallels? What about bouts of murder rage and existential crisis about a weapon filled with souls? If only our biggest problems were “my heart is connected to a shadow monster” and not “the real world is filled with garbage”. Is that where we’re at? WHO KNOWS!

Outro music is “Owner of a Lonely Heart” by Grizzly Bear.


Doctor Whooch // Episode 102 // Active Listening

In which we encourage you all to embrace the abyss. (It’s an uplifting episode.)

On this week’s show, we demonstrate our veal for life by steering into some dark skids. Also, we talk about the third episode of Class, “Night Visiting”, which is pretty friggen great you guys. How will Drunk Brandon and Danica deal with teens experiencing loss and emotion? Let’s say well. It goes well.

Also hey, when we were looking for the outro music for this episode, we stumbled across a whole bunch of white German men singing “It’s Raining Men” so here’s a link to that.


Doctor Whooch // Episode 101 // Quill & Quail and the Case of the Space Dragons

In which Class is in session. Because… because, get it? Class? Oh, you get it.

Danica and Brandon return this week to talk about the first two episodes of CLASS – the latest Doctor Who spin-off show that they can’t quite remember the episode titles for! (Psst: they’re “For Tonight We Might Die” and “The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo”). Along the way, they stumble through plot points such as SPACE DRAGONS and ROBOT MAKE-OUTS and then meander into other pop culture stuff happening like TIMELESS. Have you been watching that? You should be watching that.

Outro music is “Cold Hard Bitch” by Jet


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