TagFlesh and Stone

Doctor Whooch // Episode 091 // A Priest, A Rabbi, And A Cleric Walk Into A Bar

In which we return to deal with a floppy man complaining about his first world time and space problems.

On this week’s edition of the show, Danica and Brandon continue to trip down the River Song timeline with FLESH AND STONE, a not-at-all terrifying episode involving weird stone space monsters. (I WONDER WHICH CREATURES THOSE ARE??!?) Along the way, people die. And some don’t! And Matt Smith remains floppity. Also, we discuss Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, because everybody should at some point in their lifetime.

Outro music is “Let’s Misbehave” from Miss Fisher’s.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 006 // Looks British With Its Shirt Off

In which Danica become genealogy experts through dubious means.

It’s episode six! This time around, Danica and Brandon are both really drunk (yay!) and accidently create a new superhero and supervillain. Oh, and they also cast The Doctor in the upcoming CW teen drama, Gallifrey High, and maybe talk about a couple of episodes of Doctor Who. (Specifically? “Flesh and Stone” from Series 5, and “The Christmas Invasion” from the start of Series 2.)

Also, they miss Donna.

Outro music is “Hands Open” by Snow Patrol.


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