It’s that time of day where things are rounded up. It’s the round-up.

  • It’s Monday, so that means we ran our Q&A column over at Comics! The Blog. Amoung the topics I avoided this week were the ladies of Lady Marmalade, bands I don’t care for, and a couple of songs I really do.
  • Have you been reading Zero? I have. It’s definitely my favourite book out there right now. If you’re looking for a good example as to why, I’d suggest this article I wrote about the series’ second issue. Otherwise, I talked briefly about this week’s eighth.
  • I should have a piece going up somewhere on the internet in the next few days. I don’t want to say where until it happens, but suffice to say, it’s pretty cool having other people interested in the things that I have to say about the comic book industry. Weird, but cool. Please don’t tell them that I’m secretly horrible.
  • On Wednesday, if you’re lucky enough, you’re going to find a comic that features a superhero peeing on someone. Funny thing is, the book isn’t bad. The scene was a little weird, but… yeah. Not a bad book. If you’re the first person to tweet me with what that comic is, I’m going to straight up give you a $5 gift certificate to ComiXology. If nobody does by the end of the day, I’m just gonna go ahead and spend that $5 on me.
  • Oh, and do yourself a favour on Wednesday and check out Brass Sun if you can find it on the shelves. I ordered a lot, because I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of it in the pages of