If you listened to last week’s edition of Doctor Whooch, you know that we’re taking a break from time travel and libations (for podcast purposes) for a while, and will return in the fall. Until then?
Welcome to Thirsty Thursdays.

Weirdly, if you try and type anything about “cats” and “women” you get some pretty sexually explicit images. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?!?
Every Thursday. Pictures for your thirst, and quite possibly, the odd article written while under the influence.
We’re but two folks on the internet, with our own likes and dislikes. Send us pictures of your thirst! What are you into? Share – and let us know if you want to be credited, or absolutely do not want to be credited. We’ll run a few of them each week alongside what we find.
Weirdly, this is the first part in a big change coming to Submetropolitan. Keep your eyes out for more.