CategoryGuest Podcasts

Pod People // Brandon on Drink This Podcast

Did you know that getting drunk on a podcast is a thing? Wild, right?

A little while back, Brandon was invited onto Drink This Podcast to talk about story. For regular listeners of Doctor Whooch, you’ll know it goes… as well as can be expected, as Brandon gets more and more incoherent over the course of two episodes.


Today we are joined by new friend of the show Brandon Schatz, owner proprietor of Variant Edition Comics for our first Paul written docket, and another in our ongoing series about story telling and pop-culture narratives. We dive into our favourite shows, what kind of story telling we want to see, and how different mediums play off each and influence each other.


Today we are joined again by our new old friend Brandon Schatz for part 2 of our conversation around narrative story telling. we attempt to abandon our TV conversation and move in to other forms of narrative, get drawn back into the same old podcast conversation, and then back to television, before settling on video games, and then it all falls apart, in the best possible way. 

Pod People // Danica on Radio Free Skaro

Hey there folks! We have some exciting news! A little while back, Danica was invited to take part in an episode of Radio Free Skaroand this week, the audio is out there in the cloud, ready for your ears.

Here’s RFS’ description of the episode. (Click here to listen/download.)

Sad news to impart this week, with the death of Doctor Who director and television pioneer Paddy Russell, who directed “The Massacre”, “Invasion of the Dinosaurs”, “Pyramids of Mars”, and “Horror of Fang Rock”, along with many other non-Who programmes on UK television. We also have news of Shada on DVD in North America, the continued audio adventures of River Song, doings transpiring at Titan Comics regarding the Doctor Who comics line, and in Second Chances we look at “The Eaters of Light” with Doctor Whooch host and Edmonton comic shop owner Danica LeBlanc!

Speaking as the “Brandon” half of Submet Industries, I can wholeheartedly say this is worth a listen – especially if you want to hear Danica talk about her (and our) Moffat opinions with some folks who don’t hate the man.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 121 // Gallifrey Public Radio Crossover: It’s About Time

In which we are sober AF, so we sound awkward AF.

On this very special episode, we’re featuring the main conversation from this week’s Gallifrey Public Radioepisode that we guested on. Hosts Keir, Jay and Haley were wonderful people to talk about the casting of the newest Doctor with, something we didn’t even know was happening when we first scheduled this crossover! Anyway, if you want to hear five awesome people gush about Jodie Whittaker for over an hour, WE HAVE YOUR BACK!

Also, if you enjoy this episode, you need to check out Gallifrey Public Radio, and just go back there every week. Tell them we sent you.

Oh, and also follow them on Twitter: @gallifreyradio.

Oh and also also, you can listen to when Danica guested on Keir’s other podcast here: In Defense Of – Between the Panels

oh and also also also we love you thanks byeee

Elsewhere // “I Get Really Confused Around Books”

Last week, the lovely Danica LeBlanc was on episode 25 of Boozy Boob Tube, another great local (drunk) television podcast. The topic?

Agent Carter

This is a show that Danica and I are very diligent about keeping up with – which is a rarity in these early days of running Variant Edition. You can hear Danica and the wonderful women of Boozy Boob Tube share their thoughts here.

As always, feel free to share your thoughts about Agent Carter as well either on our social media, or below in the comment section.

Brandon Schatz // Twitter // Facebook 
Danica LeBlanc // Twitter

Boozy Boob Tube // Website // Twitter

Elsewhere: The One // Episode 006 // Danica and Brandon


A little while ago, Danica and I were lucky enough to be asked to appear on a wonderful local podcast called The One, to which we eagerly (if nervously) agreed to.

For those who don’t know, The One is a podcast about everyday people, and their love stories. Naturally, the part that was making us a bit nervous was “talking about ourselves in a public forum”, but I think we managed okay. Maybe. Probably.


The episode went up on Wednesday, and you can listen to it by heading over here, or subscribing to the podcast, and downloading the sixth episode.

Thanks again to Robyn Wilson for having us on!

Elsewhere: Summer Reading on Terra Informa


A few months back Chris Chang-Yen Phillips of Terra Informa stopped by the store to talk about some sci-fi series that had something the say about The Future and various effects on the environment – and this past week, the episode unspooled on CJSR.

Head over here if you want to hear my dulcet tones talk about Wasteland (by Antony Johnston, Chris Mitten, and a smattering of others), The Massive (by Brian Wood and others), and Deadenders (by Ed Brubaker and Warren Pleece). My bit starts about… 10 minutes in? Or hey, you can just give the whole show a listen. I highly recommend it.

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