Tag10th Doctor

Doctor Whooch // Episode 095 // Free Range Moffat

In which Danica is a war criminal.

On this week’s episode, we reach the end of The River Song Timeline with “Forest of the Dead”, in which there’s more flesh eating darkness and some heart rending sadness. People run! Some of them die. Others don’t? And then there’s a thing that happens with a screwdriver. So you know. Spoilers.

Outro music is “Confident” by Demi Lovato.

Doctor Whooch // Episode 082 // Courage and Bullshit

In which Brandon watches the last episode of the Tenth Doctor episodes that he hasn’t seen. Probably.

It’s the Olympics! Or rather, it’s “Fear Her”, the 11th episode of series 2.  There’s a creepy child who draws a dad-satan and has a space flower in her tim-tum! And that’s bad. Danica and Brandon are also really, REALLY drunk and say a bunch of things they may or may not regret. Oh well.


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Danica LeBlanc // Twitter

Doctor Whooch // Episode 080 // Stop Bringing Us Down, Bruce

In which a useless man fails to do anything well.

On this week’s episode of Doctor Whooch, Brandon experiences an episode he has never seen before: “Love & Monsters”. It’s a pretty good episode until it suddenly, violently isn’t. The whole thing follows a terrible man who is making a YouTube video of some kind where he talks about trying to stalk The Doctor and dancing in his underwear. Then a thing happens and things get really weird. Like… REALLY weird. You just… you kind of have to see it to believe it. Or listen to this episode. Whatever you wish.

Outro music is “Mr Blue Sky” by ELO
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Danica LeBlanc // Twitter
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