The goal, of course, is to write something every day (that isn’t posted at or for Variant Edition) but that probably won’t happen for a while. So instead, I am starting at “post three times a week”, and going from there.
I’ve nearly missed my second self-imposed deadline. These are how these things tend to go, honestly.
01. There’s a brand new episode of Doctor Whooch out tomorrow, which will almost definitely not be safe for the family to listen to. I mean, it never is, but just putting that out there for whatever reason.
Quite recently, Danica and I (but mostly Danica, because girl is organized) plotted out the rest of the year’s shows and realized we should be putting a game plan together for episode 075. I may or may not have committed myself to writing some Doctor Who fan fiction. This is my life now. It seems to be pretty strange and utterly wonderful.
02. Obviously, the store has been taking up quite a bandwidth lately. A quick look at our brand new events page will show you that we’ve been quietly putting together quite a few things together, and that… that takes time. Don’t get me wrong: I’m loving every second of it, but man, there’s so many things to do when you actually own the shop. I didn’t quite realize it because the owners of the store I used to work for didn’t seem to do much of anything. I’m still not exactly sure how they get away with that, because I’m roughly 100% sure they’re not doing that work at home. So.
03. Danica and I will be moving back into Oliver after taking some time to not pay rent while the store got up on its feet – and honestly, I can’t wait. Our current commute is a solid hour one way, which eats up a lot of time – especially when you’re working every day of the week. Getting into a better rhythm a lot closer to the store is September’s goal. The remainder of August is trying to get some habits formed, so that I can start September with a solid base. We’re going to see how that goes.
04. I really, really, really need to write Comics Beat articles again. I’m still getting two or more ideas a week, but then I just putter around when free time emerges. Because hey – did you guys know Marvel’s upcoming Invincible Iron Man #1 already has pre-sales of over 300,000? Well it does, off the back of several initiatives that are surely going to over extend a few comic shops. I’m genuinely concerned about how sustainable these initiatives are, and there’s a lot of meat on that issue. But time. TIME, you guys. You might be sensing a theme here.
05. Finally – the 15th episode of Yegs & Bacon has gone up over at Variant Edition. If we’re very lucky, and nothing explodes, there should be a nice landing page for Y&B by this time next week… but no promises. Anyway, listen if you want to hear us make pretend a morning show in the podcast medium, like real adults with a business. Because you guys. We are real adults with a business.
Until next time, gentle readers.